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Long Beach Cargo Shipment to Guam

Update #03: In partnership and collaboration with Sons & Daughters of Guam Club, Inc. (SDGCI), House of Chamorros (HOC), Matson, Guma' Kutturan Foundation, MCCA, API and numerous SDGCI San Diego Affiliated Organizations/Groups regarding Guam's Disaster Relief Efforts, a Collection Drop is scheduled on Saturday, June 10, 2023, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the SDGCI Patio area.

On Friday, June 16 at 4:00 pm, all donations will be loaded in a large UHaul. On Saturday, June 17, 2023, at 6:00 am, loaded UHaul will be driven to Long Beach for loading into a 40 foot container donated by Matson and logistics have been arranged. Volunteers are needed on June 10, June 16 and June 17.

The Guam registered non-profit organization Micronesia Climate Change Alliance (MCCA) will be accepting the container upon arrival in Guam.

Details about additional mutual aid efforts in Northern California, Los Angeles/Long Beach will be shared shortly.

Details about a NorCal Supply Drop Off locations and Oakland Cargo Shipment timeline and flyer is forthcoming. Stay tuned

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