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Learn CHamoru by watching a CHamoru soap opera :)

Manana si Yu'os todu hamyo,

This video below is so cool to me if you're interested in learning CHamoru language through a kind of a soap opera story. This a series of episodes. They say learning language is the strongest connection to culture.

The language is very familiar to me :) I was raised by a CHamoru mother (her parent are both CHamoru from Guahan, Cruz Aguero) and my father (Castro from Chala) passed at 37 so I knew him up until 10 years old. We were versed in culture without knowing. The language was evident. Who remembers our parents who wanted to raise us in American values, trying very hard not to speak their native tongue, but when they were angry at us, not only did the native language spill out, very important curse words did too. For us young children and now as adults this is part of the culture and gives us smiles when we share stories when they were used. Well, this soap opera Im sure will bring up drama, spoken fully in CHamoru language. I look forward to the episodes giving me a sense of pride, community, home. Let me know your story of language and if you have a chance what you think of the video.

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